Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate you on becoming a Substitute Teacher here in Hamilton Township. As a Substitute Teacher, you provide a valuable service in our schools and your presence in our classrooms will promote the continuity of learning throughout the District.
Your efforts enable the District to function seamlessly on a day to day basis. The Hamilton Township School District promotes excellence in education by maintaining high standards, rigorous instruction, cultural sensitivity and insuring for the health, safety and welfare of our students and faculty.
Your role as a Substitute Teacher in the classroom is to promote the continued academic growth of our students. This handbook is intended to provide you with critical information, structure and guidance so that you and your assigned students will have a rewarding experience as you work with them throughout the school year.
We recognize the important and valuable service provided by our Substitute Teachers, and we consider you an integral part of our school system. I look forward to working with you and wish you success in your placement as a Substitute Teacher in the Hamilton Township School District.
Substitute Caller and Communications...
Beginning September 1, 2015, the school district will be using the AESOP school system. It is an Automated Substitute Placement and Absence Management System. You will be sent your own unique login information from the Personnel Department. In order to find and accept substitute jobs you must login to the Aesop system online or by phone. Aesop is available 24/7. We encourage you to be proactive with the system by following the directions using the links below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In case of an emergency where you are unable to come to work, IMMEDIATELY contact the school office of your assignment.
• Davies School after 7:00 | 476-6241
• Hess School after 8:15 | 476-6101
• Shaner School after 8:15 | 476-6141
You must continue to call the school until you reach an office secretary. DO NOT leave a voice mail message.
In case of inclement weather, please call the district hotline at 625-6600. You are also encouraged to visit the district website ( or tune in to local radio and television stations.
In addition, all substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals must work for our district at least 10 days per school year. If you do not accept at least 10 assignments per school year, you will not be approved for the upcoming school year and you will be removed from our roster.
Sign up to be a Certified Substitute in HTSD
***Please be advised you will need to apply on Applitrack and have an interview with the Vice Principal before you can submit the necessary documents needed outlined below.***
Instructions on the necessary documents to provide to become a Sustitute Teacher at Hamilton Towsnship Schools.
If you already have your Atlantic County Subsitute Teacher Certificate, please fill out the application on AppliTrack. Rolling interviews are held throughout the year.
If you do not have a Substitute Certificate but have at least 60 college credits, please fill out an application in AppliTrack. Interviews for new substitutes are held twice a year.
Substitute Support Staff
If you are looking to become a substitute paraprofessional (teacher's aide) or a sub custodian or sub food service, please fill out a paper application and turn it into the Board of Education. To download the paper application - click here.